Stocking the Pond

The Lithe Festival has started, but without enough fish in the pond, it will surely be a disaster.

NOTE: This quest will be removed from your quest log when the current festival ends.

'This is just terrible! The Lithe Festival has started, but we don't have enough fish in the pond for the derbies!

'Wait... if each person I let fish for the festival brings some fish, then this will all work! This will not be the last event they put me in charge of! And you -- yes, you! -- you're going to help make sure of that.

'Run off to the far lands of the Elves, Men, and dwarves and bring me back some fish!'

The fish that best represent the dwarves can be found inside of Thorin's Hall.

You should go to Thorin's Hall and collect fish for the Lithe Festival.

  • Find the best place to catch amberjacks

The fish that best represent the dwarves can be found inside of Thorin's Hall.

You should go to Thorin's Hall and collect fish for the Lithe Festival.

  • Collect amberjacks from Thorin's Hall (0/3)

The fish that best represent those loved by the Elves can be found by fishing along the docks of Celondim, in Ered Luin.

You should gather fish from Celondim to help supply the Lithe Festival in the Shire.

  • Find the best place in Celondim to catch luillim

The fish that best represent those loved by the Elves can be found by fishing along the docks of Celondim, in Ered Luin.

You should gather fish from Celondim to help supply the Lithe Festival in the Shire.

  • Collect luillim from Celondim (0/3)

The fish that best represent those loved by Men can be found by fishing at the Pond, near Pierson's farm to the south of Bree-town.

You should gather fish from Bree to help supply the Lithe Festival in the Shire.

  • Look for the best place to catch drum

The fish that best represent those loved by Men can be found by fishing at the Pond, near Pierson's farm to the south of Bree-town.

You should gather fish from Bree to help supply the Lithe Festival in the Shire.

  • Collect drum from the pond (0/3)

Neddie Grubb awaits your diverse collection of fish in Bywater, in the Shire.

You should bring the fish to Neddie Grubb so that the pond can be properly stocked for the Lithe Festival.


Neddie Grubb awaits your diverse collection of fish in Bywater, in the Shire.

You should bring the fish to Neddie Grubb so that Bywater can be properly stocked for the Lithe Festival.


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