Marauders of the Lone-lands

Nidgyl is concerned with the half-orcs who have been spotted marauding through the Nain Enidh region of the Lone-lands, making travel into the east nearly impossible.

'My kinsmen often have need to travel into the Trollshaws to carry information to and from Rivendell, but of late that passage has become hazardous, as the roads are frequently watched by bands of half-orc marauders -- particularly in the region of Nain Enidh in the Lone-lands.

'I need you to foray into Nain Enidh and defeat as many of these half-orcs as possible to free up the passage into the east; otherwise, we will likely be caught unaware when the Enemy makes its next move in the east.'

Half-orcs can be found throughout the Nain Enidh region of the Lone-lands, far to the east of Bree.

Nidgyl has asked you to defeat the half-orcs marauding in the Lone-lands.

  • Defeat half-orcs in Nain Enidh (0/15)

Nidgyl is at Bree-town in Bree-land, far to the west of Nain Enidh.

You should return to Nidgyl of Bree-town and tell him of your battles against the half-orcs of Nain Enidh.


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Latitude: 0
Longitude: 0
Map width ID 268437716


0 gold coin 11 silver coin 50 copper coin
Men of Bree (500)

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