Cries of the Host

Himbar is haunted by the merrevail and their kindred, the bats. These creatures prey upon the Rangers of Gath Forthnír, showing no mercy.

'You have done well so far, but I have need of your services a bit further. There is a nearby cavern area where the merrevail live. They are led by one of the evil morroval-lieutenants, if such a word applies.

'Her name is Iarvael, and she haunts us even in our dreams. Please remove her threat once and for all, then return to me when the deed is done.

'This will be no small task, and you should gather one or two of your friends to help you, ${PLAYER}.'

The merrevail hunt throughout Himbar, the lands west of Gath Forthnír.

Thoriel has asked you to remove the lieutenant, Iarvael, from the morroval caverns.


Thoriel waits for you in Gath Forthnír, the hidden Ranger-camp east of Himbar.

You have defeated Iorvael and should now return to Thoriel with news of your victory.


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