A Book Torn Apart

You have discovered an old map-page of some apparent historic significance upon an Orc slain in the Tarkrîp Assault Camp.

You have discovered an old map-page of some apparent historic significance upon an Orc slain in the Tarkrîp Assault Camp.

You should defeat Tarkrîp Orcs in the assault camp and collect any other pages you find.

Old map-pages can be found on Orcs in the Tarkrîp Assault Camp.

You should collect map-pages, for they look to be of some historic significance.

  • Collect old map-pages from Tarkrîp Orcs

Old map-pages can be found on Orcs in the Tarkrîp Assault Camp.

You should collect map-pages, for they look to be of some historic significance.

  • Collect historic map-pages (0/7)

You have found a great number of scattered pages in the Tarkrîp Assault Camp.

These will surely be better off back in the hands of the people of Trestlebridge, rather than in the claws of the scheming Orcs.


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0 gold coin 10 silver coin 0 copper coin
Men of Bree (500)
1270 xp icon

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