With the migration of Orcs and goblins to the western Lone-lands, the Eglain attempted to rekindle old trade relations with an Elf from Rivendell to the east. However, they encountered great, lumbering beasts upon the Road and dared not continue forwards.
'Kekkonen will accept the offer from this tribe you help, these Eglain. You have shown the Jorthkyn that there is strength in the little people who dwell here.
'Return to your folk and tell them that they may come to us, and we will speak with them and be friends.
'Go to their rocks to the north and give them my words.'
Frideric the Elder awaits word from you at Ost Guruth, north of the Tornstones.
After assisting the Earth-kin, Kekkonen sent you to speak with Frideric and let him know that they wish to become allies.