A Burglar's Errand

A burglar hones his skill by thieving items of little worth, but these excursions are mere dalliances when the fate of the Free Peoples is at stake.

'I have a message for you, ${PLAYER}... a secret message. The message is: \qPalma Brownlock waits for you at The Forsaken Inn.\q

'I don't have any more information for you than this... and for your own good, I'll not tell you where I heard it.'

Palma Brownlock is waiting for you at The Forsaken Inn in the Lone-lands, just off the Great East Road.

You received a mysterious message that one \qPalma Brownlock\q is waiting to speak with you.


Palma Brownlock is at The Forsaken Inn in the Lone-lands.

Palma Brownlock is waiting to travel with you to the hideout of the half-orcs that stole the sword she mentioned.


Palma Brownlock is at The Forsaken Inn in the Lone-lands.

Palma Brownlock is waiting to speak with you about your successful infiltration of Naerost.


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0 gold coin 17 silver coin 85 copper coin
2810 xp icon
Quest has an additional unknown reward
Quest has an additional unknown reward

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