Atharbain, Elves of Rivendell

Atharbain can be found in { { }}

Additional info

  • Female
  • You can sell items to this vendor
  • Sell factor: 4.00
  • Look this NPC up on
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Name Level Repeatable
To Imlad Gelair 35 No
Name ILvl Min/Max lvl Category Type Slot
42 42/- Item Wrist
45 45/- Item Wrist
45 45/- Item Ear
40 40/- Item Ear
42 42/- Item Neck
45 45/- Item Pocket
40 40/- Item Finger
46 46/- Weapon Dagger Main_hand
35 35/- Item
30 -/- Item
35 -/- Item
35 -/- Item
50 50/- Item Pocket
50 50/- Item Finger
50 50/- Weapon One-handed sword Main_hand
50 50/- Weapon Spear Main_hand
40 -/- Item Chest
40 -/- Item Chest
45 -/- Item
35 -/- Item
35 -/- Item
45 -/- Item
35 -/- Item
30 -/- Item
30 -/- Item
30 -/- Item
30 -/- Item
30 -/- Item
30 -/- Item
30 -/- Item
30 -/- Item
30 -/- Item
30 -/- Item
30 -/- Item
30 -/- Item
30 -/- Item
10 -/- Item
10 -/- Item
10 -/- Item
10 -/- Item
10 -/- Item


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