Bilbo Baggins can be found in { { }}
Name | Level | Repeatable |
The Riddle-seeker | 39 | No |
The Riddle-maker | 39 | No |
Belated Birthday | Yes | |
Bert, Tom, and Bill | 38 | No |
Passage to Darkness | 45 | No |
The Undiscovered Path | 45 | No |
Baggins' Birthday - Bilbo's Present | No | |
Notes by the Author | 40 | No |
Year 10 Tales: Bilbo | No | |
Eriador Year 10 Tales: Bilbo | No | |
My Dwarf Friends | 45 | No |
Preparing for the Dark | 45 | No |
A Lesson from Bilbo Baggins | 50 | No |
Chapter 2: The Time Before Travelling | 110 | No |
10. The Further Adventures of Bilbo Baggins, Chapter 10 | Yes | |
A Hospitable Home | 39 | No |
A Forgotten Birthday | No |